Undergraduate Satisfactory Academic Progress

Undergraduate Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

为了取得令人满意的学业进步,因为这与奖学金资格有关 点击 在这里.

根据1965年高等教育法的要求,云顶集团成立 获得经济援助的学生资格的最低标准. The Satisfactory 学业进步政策是一套学生必须达到的标准 for them to receive federal financial aid. Evaluation of a student's academic standing 在每学期结束时,助学金申请将会取得进展.

保持获得大学管理的任何经济援助的资格,包括 在联邦,州和机构的资助下,必须取得令人满意的学业进步. Financial 援助 Probation is not the same as Academic Probation. 

1. 定性和定量测量(累积GPA,进度和最高学分) 小时 earned) are reviewed at the end of each term (fall, spring, and summer).

2. 学生必须满足并能够在最大时间框架内完成学位 或完成该学生所修课程所需最低学分的150%. 例如,如果一个学生参加了一个需要120学分才能获得 学位,学生一旦尝试超过180学分,将失去资格.

3. 除夏季入学外,作为全日制学生,12学分 必须在每学期(仅限秋季和春季)获得,累积GPA为2.00 or higher on a 4.00 GPA scale must be earned in order to maintain SAP. As a part-time 学生每学期必须修满6个学分,累积平均分不低于2分.00 or higher 4分之一.00 GPA scale. A less than half time student must earn 3 credits per semester and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher on a 4.00 GPA scale.  For those students enrolled in the Summer term, a student must satisfactorily complete, 2.00 or higher GPA on a 4.平均绩点为00,所有学分的50%只用于夏季学期 同时保持定量(进度或完成率)测量67% of all credit 小时 attempted.

4. 大学还将审查学生毕业前的定量进度. 进度,或完成率,是衡量学生已经获得的学时数 divided by the number of 小时 attempted. This is a cumulative calculation that is 在每学期结束时完成,包括机构和转学 小时. 本科学生必须完成至少67% (.67).

5. Transfer credits count as earned credits but do not affect the GPA. However, transfer 学分计入尝试的学分限制(如第2条所述) pace calculation. All transfer credit accepted by the University of Dallas will be calculated as both attempted and completed.

6. 退课会影响学生的经济援助,因为它是被计算在内的 as an attempted course that is not earned. This will affect a student's pace calculation. 不完整或临时成绩不计入学分,并将影响 eligibility until credit is earned. SAP cannot be assessed until all incomplete grades have been posted. If a student has a grade of incomplete, the student will not be 在SAP被审查之前,他将没有资格获得经济援助. 一旦成绩公布,请联系财务援助办公室,以便SAP can be reviewed. If a course is repeated and cancelled, eligibility may be affected if total credits earned fall below the minimum required. A previous Financial 援助 警告不能通过通过重修和重修来提高前一学期的GPA来取消 取消政策,但经济援助资格可能会恢复或继续筹集 the cumulative GPA to the minimum required under this policy.

7. 如果学生没有做SAP,学生将收到经济援助通知 Warning for one semester. During the warning semester, the student must earn 12 credits as a full-time student (6 credits as a half-time student; 1 credit as a less than 一半时间的学生),67%的速度,并完成学期的最低累积 GPA of 2.00. 如果在学期结束时没有达到这些要求,学生将被开除 将失去下学期的经济援助(这被称为经济援助 Suspension). 如果符合SAP要求,学生可以重新获得经济援助资格 are met at the end of a subsequent semester.

8. 在财政援助警告期结束时没有达到SAP标准的学生 and is thus notified of a Financial 援助 Suspension may submit a formal appeal for the reinstatement of financial aid for one semester. An appeal can be made in 学生亲属死亡、学生受伤或患病的; or other special circumstances. The deadlines for an appeal are as follows:

  • 秋季学期:7月15日,另外,在特拉华大学夏季学期入学的学生可以上诉 在成绩公布后,并在开学第一周内申请

  • Spring term: January 10

  • Summer term: June 14

如果上诉被批准,学生将获得经济援助缓刑和遗嘱 receive financial aid for one semester. A student on Financial 援助 Probation must earn 12 credits, 67% pace, and a 2.00 cumulative GPA by the end of the probationary 或满足财政援助主任制定的其他学术标准 an Academic Plan) in order to have their financial aid reinstated. A Financial 援助 一旦学生再次满足所有SAP要求,则可以取消停学.

If you have been awarded a  Texas Tuition Equalization Grant  (TEG),请注意以下后续(更新)奖励的这些要求 academic year. A student must:

  1. Submit a completed FAFSA with demonstrated need, AND
  2. have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50, AND

  3. 在9月至9月间修了24小时(本科生)或18小时(研究生) August of the previous academic year, AND
  4. 已修毕该学年所修课程的75% have been disbursed.

Withdrawal and Return of Title IV Funds联邦法规要求任何从大学退学的学生必须 comply with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. Students who withdraw from UD 必须通知财政援助办公室完成第四章撤回. If 一位官员说,接受经济援助的学生在学期开始后就会退学 withdrawal must be completed. Any student who plans to withdraw must contact the Financial 援助 Office. Once a student has notified the Office of Financial 援助 of an intent to 撤回,他们有48小时寻求所有必要的签名以完成撤回 process. 退课的日期将是学生开始(开始)的日期。 the process. The official withdrawal must be completed in all offices. Federal, state 机构资助(包括学术奖学金)可能会退还给学生 may owe a balance to the University. Prior to returning, the student must pay that balance in full.
一旦学生的出勤率超过了60%,他们就获得了100%的分数 all aid. 该百分比是通过将参加的天数与总天数进行比较来计算的 the student's enrollment. A complete withdrawal prior to this date, however, will result in aid that must be returned to its program(s). The percentage of aid that 必须归还的联邦资金是否也适用于州和机构 funding.

Updated June 7, 2024

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