Facilities and Amenities

Facilities and Amenities

Rome Cap BarCappuccino Bar 

这里是UD罗马的意大利浓缩咖啡、卡布奇诺、软饮料、小吃和 lively conversation!


Rome ClassroomClassroom Space

Aula Minore(可容纳60人)位于宿舍的下层. A larger 教室,Aula Magna(可容纳125人),位于校园的主楼层 center. 麦格纳大殿的天花板很高,被用作校园的天花板 校长报告厅,作为接待区和媒体中心. It is equipped 拥有智能房间技术,最先进的音响系统,幻灯片和头顶投影仪 facilities, and a piano. 礼拜天和宗教节日在麦格纳礼堂举行弥撒 holidays. 

Rome MensaThe Dining Hall and Outdoor Terrace

餐厅或“门萨”最多可容纳120人. On the south side of 餐厅的居民可以享受户外露台,露台上配有雨伞 白天为罗马烈日提供荫凉,晚上提供局部照明 dining. 这里也是一个阅读、放松和社交的好地方.

罗马校区为学生提供由专业人士烹饪的高质量食物的膳食计划 Italian staff. 在常规学期的课程中,学生们可以轻松地学习意大利语 早餐,以及3道菜的午餐和3道菜的晚餐,从周一到周六. 周日供应早午餐和常规的三道菜晚餐. Special dietary needs are accommodated to the greatest extent possible. Due to the high mineral content the water tends to taste different on campus. 

Rome DormDormitory Suites

宿舍套房由两个三人房组成,其中有一个共用浴室. 每个三人房都有一张单人床和一张双层床,桌子和学习空间,以及一个 stand-alone closet. 宿舍的安全系统只允许 campus residents to enter. Each dormitory room is furnished with a telephone with voice mail by which students can be reached directly. 


LaundryLaundry Facilities

洗衣房位于宿舍楼较低的一层,配有标准的洗衣设备 US washers and dryers. UD罗马提供免费的专业亚麻服务 每隔一段时间给学生提供新鲜的床单和枕套. Rome students must provide their own towels. 



图书馆位于宿舍的下层,是为安静的学习而设计的 and research. 一个封闭的图书馆开放,大约有3000册藏书 to the university public during specific hours each week.



Rome loungeStudent Lounge

社交活动的场所是学生休息室,位于大楼的下层 the campus center. 在这里学生可以在舒适的环境中放松,借书 还有旅游指南,下棋或打乒乓球,阅读国际报纸. A campus 布告栏、无线上网服务和免费的国际电话服务 make the Lounge a principal communication center.  


Tech RoomTech Room

罗马校区没有计算机中心,但有局域网(LAN)。 这为校园的许多区域提供了无线功能,方便了 those students who bring their laptop computers to Rome. A Tech Room, located on the 校园中心的下层,配备了两台无线打印机,三台上网亭 and a Vonage phone. 学生可以使用这些信息亭来检查他们的电子邮件和浏览 the Internet. 请注意,这些电脑不能用于写论文. Printing 为学生提供的学术服务不收取额外费用.

Rome VillaThe Villa

这座别墅建于20世纪40年代初,是一座迷人的庄园,现在有教堂 它是罗马校区教职员工的主要住所. Faculty and administrative offices are also found here. The Villa Salone, a large 客厅和接待室,用于特殊聚会.


Villa ChapelThe Villa Chapel

罗马的变形礼拜堂让人想起耶稣荣耀的启示 正如马太福音17:1-8和平行的新约记载的那样. Designed by UD 莱尔·诺维斯基教授,教堂为私人提供了一个安静而亲密的环境 祈祷、修和圣事和每日弥撒. 


Rome Soccer fieldAthletic Facilities

一个小健身室位于宿舍的下层,设备齐全 有固定自行车、椭圆机、举重器械、健身房和踏步机. 除了这个设施,校园里还有室外网球场和篮球场, 一个地滚场,一个足球场,一个排球场和风景如画的跑步道. Sports equipment of all kinds is provided for student use. 


PergolaThe Belvedere Terrace and Pergola

Belvedere是宿舍顶层的一个带家具的小露台. Designed 安静的学习,小型聚会和独处的时间,它提供了一个美妙的全景 在Due Santi校区以及罗马城,梵蒂冈和第勒尼安 Sea in the distance. 观景楼下面是凉亭,一个小亭子 休息区,覆盖着紫藤,用鹅卵石装饰. It is located between 这是为了纪念杰克·艾迪生而送给学校的礼物 by his UD-Rome class.


FornoForno and Outdoor Eating Areas

UD罗马的户外披萨烤箱和烤架——被称为“forno”——是一个主要的聚会 place for students, faculty and staff. The adjoining outdoor patio is ideal for dining, receptions and special events, or just for quiet reading.



PoolSwimming Pool and Patio

室外游泳池从五月到九月开放. A refuge on Rome's hot 夏日里,泳池区被茉莉花、玫瑰丛、罗马松树和绿树环绕 oaks. 


VineyardVineyard and Gardens

About five acres of campus property are under cultivation. The Due Santi vineyard 生产梅洛(merlot)(85%)和赤霞珠(cabernet sauvignon)(15%)葡萄酒,两者都带有“D”.O.C." label of quality from Italian wine authorities. The campus is also enhanced by a wide variety of fruit trees. 其中有60多棵橄榄树,产量约150升 每年用特级初榨橄榄油,以及大量的柑橘类水果, pear, apricot, plum, fig and persimmon trees. Other trees on campus include large 伞形松树、柏树、巨大的橡树、木兰花和棕榈树. Flowers of all kinds flourish from spring to fall.