Said Bakkar Ph.D.


Affiliate Assistant Professor, Physics

Phone: (972) 721-5372


Office: Haggerty Science Center #38

Dr. 巴卡尔的物理学研究主要集中在磁性物质的测量上 设计并合成了一种叫做Heusler化合物的新型磁性材料 for spintronic applications. His interest in design materials attracted him to complete 他在北德克萨斯大学材料科学与工程专业接受的教育 (UNT). He received his Ph.D. degree at UNT in 2021 in investigation of porous ceramic structure by freeze-casting. 

他以物理系博士后教学研究员的身份加入了云顶集团 to work with Dr. Flanagan, Dr. Moldenhauer, Dr. Steinmiller, and collaborate with 燃气轮机热障涂层用氮化硅密封的铈实验室研究 extended engine life that funded by the Air Force. This project started in 2020 when Cerium Labs正在报告其STTR“第一阶段”资助的结果. Cerium lab group with the chief scientist Prof. Tim Hossain explored a patented silicon nitride seal 可以保护TBC,提高发动机性能,减少维护 and replacement costs. Dr. Bakkar started as a postdoctoral and the main researcher 在第二阶段与这个小组一起使用这项专利继续下去 在更大、更真实的TBC样本上追求这种技术. His research focuses 对tbc的面漆进行密封,以防止CMAS在高温下的攻击 利用化学气相沉积CVD技术沉积氮化硅牺牲层. 目前,他正在进行CMAS攻击测试,并对之前的tbc样本进行了表征 and after CMAS test using SEM at UD, XRD, and TEM at Cerium lab.

Ph.D. 北德克萨斯大学丹顿分校材料科学与工程硕士  
M.S. In Physics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
M.S.  In Physics, Al al-Bayt University, Jordan
B.S. In Physics, Yarmouk University, Jordan  

专业经历:博士后研究员,特拉华大学欧文分校,2021-2022 材料科学,热障涂层,高抗冲击材料等 Solid state physics

Recent Courses
General Physics I
General Physics II and Lab
Physics and Technology Lab
Materials Science and Lab
Fluid Mechanics

Research Interest

我的兴趣一直在于物理和材料方面的材料设计和表征 science and engineering fields. In the beginning, I focused on the measurement of 磁性材料的性质,设计和合成的新磁性材料 called Heusler compounds for spintronics applications. My love of research and improving 我在材料方面的表征技能引导我研究多孔陶瓷 structure by freeze-casting technique during my Ph.D. journey.  The design and fabrication 具有各向异性特性的多孔陶瓷材料近年来得到了广泛的研究 受欢迎的原因在于它们在各个领域的潜在应用,包括医疗, energy, defense, space, and aerospace. Freeze-casting is an effective, low-cost, and 安全的方法作为湿成型技术来创建这些结构. He worked to design 金属基复合材料mmc通过创建高度排列的多孔陶瓷结构 采用磁场辅助冷冻铸造和渗透多孔陶瓷预制体 with molten metal. 这项研究得到了陆军研究实验室(ARL)的支持 他成功地设计了轻质高抗冲击材料 designing Al/Al2O3 MMCs. 作为他在UNT研究的一部分,他设计了一个模型来缓解 Ca-Mg-Al-Si氧化物(CMAS)对热障涂层(TBC)的侵蚀 在喷气发动机和燃气涡轮发动机的叶片表面使用修饰 of the topcoat of TBC using laser treatment. Recently, I with my group at UD collaborated with Cerium lab on two projects. (I) a silicon nitride seal for thermal barrier coating in gas turbines for extended engine life funded by Air Force. (II) . Silicon Nitride 耐事故燃料防护涂层(ATF),由美国能源部资助. The project goal 是为了保护锆合金包层表面的氧化,防止 formation of hydrogen gas with hot steam. I have practiced my favorite job throughout 我在特拉华大学度过了一年半的时间,在那里我一边教学一边做研究 time. 在教室和实验室与学生互动总是给我能量 and motivation to learn and teach.

  1. Bakkar, Said, Elora Zucha, Joseph Beam, Will H. Flanagan, Satish Dixit, and Tim Z. Hossain. "A 用一种新的方法来保护和延长热障涂层的使用寿命 impermeable layer of silicon nitride." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 106, no. 10 (2023): 6221-6229.
  2. Bakkar, S, Thapliyal, S., Ku, N., Berman, D., Aouadi, S. M., Brennan, R. E., Young, M. L., “Controlling Anisotropy of Porous B4C Structures Through Magnetic Field-Assisted Freeze-Casting.” Ceramics International (2021)
  3. Bakkar, Said, Michael Wall, Nicholas Ku, Diana Berman, Samir M. Aouadi, Raymond E. Brennan, and Marcus L. Young “Al/Al2O3 磁场辅助冷冻铸造制备多孔金属基复合材料 Ceramic Structures.” Journal of Materials Research (accepted March 2021)
  4. Bakkar, Said, Jihyung Lee, Nicholas Ku, Diana Berman, Samir M. Aouadi, Raymond E. Brennan, and Marcus L. Young. 磁场辅助多孔氧化铝陶瓷的设计 freeze-casting." Journal of Materials Research 35 (21), 2859-2869. (2020)
  5. Bakkar, S., M. V. Pantawane, J. J. Gu, A. Ghoshal, M. Walock, M. Murugan, M. L. Young, N. Dahotre, D. Berman, and S. M. Aouadi. "Laser surface modification of porous yttria stabilized zirconia against CMAS degradation." Ceramics International 46, no. 5 (2020): 6038-6045
  6. Aryal, Anil, Said Bakkar, Hassana Samassekou, Sudip Pandey, Igor Dubenko, Shane Stadler, Naushad Ali,以及 Dipanjan Mazumdar. "Mn2FeSi: An antiferromagnetic inverse-Heusler alloy." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 823 (2020): 153770
  7. Blackert, E., S. Bakkar, S. Briseño-Murguia, M. Kramer, J. Barclay, M. Carl, J. Smith, M. L. Young, and S. M. Aouadi. “通过水热处理使TNZT表面纹理化,用于骨植入物的应用." Thin Solid Films 667 (2018): 64-68
  8. El-Hilo, M. M., A. L. Al-Momnee, and S. A. Bakkar. "Minor hysteresis loop phenomena in particulate recording media." Journal of applied physics 91, no. 10 (2002): 8742-8744

  • 2022 48th International Conference on Metallurgical Coating & Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, USA, May 22-27, 2022. “A New Approach to Protect Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) 采用空气等离子喷涂(APS)/高速氧燃料(HVOF)涂层制备硅3N4
  • 2021 Materials Science & Technology (MS&T21), 技术会议和展览,哥伦布,俄亥俄州,美国,2021年10月17日至20日. “牺牲法保护氧化钇稳定氧化锆(YSZ)表面免受CMAS侵蚀 Layer of Si3N4” 
  • 2021 47th International Conference on Metallurgical Coating & Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, USA Virtual Conference, April 26 – 30, 2021. “Laser Processing of Freeze Casted 氧化钇稳定氧化锆/钆热障涂层减轻CMAS攻击
  • 2021北德克萨斯地区大学联合会(TAMUC, TWU, UNT)研究生 Virtual Research Symposium, Denton, Texas, USA, April 9th, 2021.Using magnetic field-assisted freeze-casting to design Al2O3/Al metal matrix composite.” 
  • 2020 Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) technical meeting and exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, November 4-8, 2020. “Processing and Characterization of Al /Al2O3 磁场辅助冷冻铸造制备陶瓷基复合材料 Porous Ceramic Structures”
  • 2020 Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), 3rd 北德克萨斯大学丹顿分校北德克萨斯STLE学生组海报研讨会 TX, USA, February 18th, 2020. “多孔氧化钇稳定氧化锆抗CMAS降解的激光表面改性
  • 2019 Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) technical meeting and exhibition, Portland, Oregon, USA, Sep 29- Oct 3, 2019 “氧化钇稳定氧化锆热障涂层的表面改性研究 by Freeze Casting” (Oral)
  • 2018年国际冶金涂层和薄膜会议,圣地亚哥, CA Apr. 23 - 27, 2018. “用于骨植入的高多孔TNZT合金支架.” (Oral)
  • 2018 AVS chapter at Fort Worth, TX, “Optimizing the Growth of WS2 with Laser Annealing.
  • 2017 APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LO: “逆Heusler化合物Mn的结构和磁性能2CoZ (Z=Ga,Ge,Sb)” (Poster)
  • 2016年本科生研究与创新活动中心(CURCA), SIUC: High Resolution of X-Ray Investigation of New Heusler Compounds: April 5th, 2016

  • 与CeriumLab合作的燃料棒项目的首席研究员 , Austin TX on the fund of $30,000 at UD irving
  • Awarded $16,746.03 from the Donald A. Cowan Physics Fund for research mentoring summer 2022 at UD.
  • 大学材料科学与工程系优秀研究生 of North Texas 2020/2021 
  • Reviewer at Journal of Materials Research (JMR).
  • The figure of my paper (Al/Al2O3 磁场辅助冷冻铸造制备多孔金属基复合材料 Ceramic Structures)被选为《云顶集团4008om》(JMR)第36卷的封面, issue 10. 2021
  • 2nd place winner of 摩擦学家和润滑工程师协会(STLE)北德克萨斯3rd 年度学生论文研讨会竞赛,丹顿,德克萨斯州,美国,2020
  • Army Research Laboratory (ARL) award (No. W911NF-19-2-001) as a research assistant 2019-2021
  • Robert J Hardin Presidential Scholarship 2019/2020 UNT, Denton