Jacob-Ivan Eidt, Ph.D.

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German Program Director, Comparative Literary Traditions Director, Associate Professor of German, Modern Languages

Phone: (972) 721-5020

Email: jieidt@taxidalat24h.net

Office: Anselm Hall #108

Dr. Eidt于2006年秋天加入云顶集团(University of Dallas)担任教职 directorship of the German program.  He was also a founding member of the Comparative 文学传统专业2009-2021年长期担任系主任. His teaching 研究兴趣包括19世纪的德国文学,德语 浪漫主义,奥德音乐传统,以及德国电影.

Dr. Eidt发表过关于贝多芬、歌德、尼采、瓦格纳、雷纳·玛丽亚的文章 里尔克,维尔纳·赫尔佐格的电影,以及德国诗歌和 editorial work on the intersections of music and literature. Dr. Eidt is also president 他是达拉斯歌德中心的负责人,该中心在德国边境地区推广德国语言和文化 area and which has an office at the University of Dallas.  

Dr. Eidt的研究也促成了许多讲座和项目的合作 达拉斯交响乐团,包括音乐会前的系列讲座表演 Preludes, the Bach Lunch Series and the SOLUNA festival.

特拉华大学德语的突出特点之一是德语强化语言课程 that Dr. Eidt和他的妻子一起设计的,他们每学期都会进行小组教学.  The 课程允许学生在一年内完成语言要求并开始 upper level courses as soon as possible.

  • Ph.D., Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin
  • M.A.《云顶集团》、《云顶集团》、 Die Katholische Universität Eichstätt,
  • B.A. German and Philosophy, University of Mississippi
  • German literature of the long 19th century
  • Austro-German Music History and Aesthetics
  • German Film
  • Germanic mythology
  • Goethe, Rilke, Thomas Mann, Wagner
  • Director of German Program (2006-present)
  • 比较文学传统项目主任(2016-至今).
  • Chairman, Department of Modern Languages (2009-2021)
  • Chair, Faculty Senate (2024-2025)
  • Vice-Chair Faculty Senate (2022-2024)
  • Faculty Senator (2009-present)
  • Associate Professor of German (2013-present)
  • Assistant Professor of German (2007-2013)
  • Visiting Assistant Professor of German (2006-2007)
  • MGE 1602 – 2602 Intensive German I-II
  • MGE 3333 History of the German Language
  • MGE 4335 Advanced German Civilization
  • MGE 3310 Advanced German Grammar
  • MCTG 4346 Wagner
  • MCT 3321 Tolkien and Germanic Mythology
  • MGE 3311 German Conversation and Composition
  • MGE 4321 German Lyric Poetry
  • MGE 3341 German Lit. Trad. I (Medieval to Sturm und Drang)
  • MGE 3342 German Lit. Trad. II (Classicism to Modernism)
  • MGE 3312 Introduction to German Studies
  • MGE 3334 German Translation
  • MGE 4320 The German Novella from Goethe to Kafka
  • MCT 3309 Introduction to Comparative Literary Traditions
  • MCTG 3305 Introduction to German Literature 
  • MCTG 5311-5312 German for Reading Knowledge I-II (graduate)
  • HUM 6326 The Modern World (graduate)
  • 即将出版的:“超越环的圆”或瓦格纳和托尔金重访- Word on Fire Academic Press 2025.
  • “Cave Musicam oder die Problematisierung der Musik im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Goethe, Nietzsche und Rilke.” In:  Rilkes Musikalität, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress – Palaestra series, 2019.
  • “Man möchte sich fürchten, das Haus fiele ein”; Goethe’s Beethoven-Reception and the Elemental in Music In:  Goethe’s Bildung:  Dialog between Tradition and Innovation Ed. 雅各布-伊万·埃德特和克里斯托弗·丹尼尔·韦伯,彼得·朗,2019.
  • Editor Goethe’s Bildung:  Dialog between Tradition and Innovation, Peter Lang, 2019                   
  • 编辑《云顶集团》. Humanities open access journal special issue ed. ISSN 2076-0787, 2015
  • 书中章节:“美学、歌剧和赫尔佐格作品中的另类”《云顶集团》 Studies, Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek和Tutun Mukherjee,剑桥大学出版社,2013年.
  • 声音的同理心和视觉的崇高:音乐、形象和康德的崇高 Werner Herzog’s Lessons of Darkness." Glossen 35/2012
  • "Aesthetics, Opera, and Alterity in Herzog's Work." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 14.1 (2012)
  • 里尔克·反瓦格纳:里尔克早期的音乐概念和艺术的融合 around 1900”. Studia theodisca XVIII, 2011.
  • "Rilke und die Musik(er). Überlegungen zu Rilkes Musikverständnis im Kontext seiner Zeit." In:  Rilkes Welt:  Festschrift für August Stahl pp. 127-134 Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2009.
  • “The Dean” (a discussion of Lars Gustafsson’s novel Dekanen as world literature and pedagogical text) in Modern Language Studies Vol. 35. number 2, pp. 92-97, 2005
  • Translations of selected poems by Peter Rühmkorf. Dimension2 7.2/3 pp. 2008 -13(当代德语文学双语文学杂志); 2005..
  • Translations of selected poems by Harald Gerlach. Dimension2  6. 2/3 pp. 374-79, 2003.



  • 肯塔基州外语会议演讲:“变异的经典原理” and the Micro-Myth of atonal music in Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus". 2024.
  • “创伤”,教皇本笃十六世和巴伐利亚-纪念本笃十六世生日的面板 XVI. 2024.
  • 会议论文(同行评审)题为“超越环的圆”或瓦格纳 托尔金在托尔金会议上被重新审视:一个期待已久的聚会:五十周年纪念 托尔金的生平、作品和死后的庆祝活动在方济各会大学举行 Steubenville, Ohio in September 2023.
  • 巴赫在达拉斯交响乐团的午餐系列讲座:“巴赫 St. Matthew Passion and the Synthesis of Form and Affectation". 2023.
  • 为达拉斯交响乐团演奏前奏系列讲座. Pre-concert 巴赫、莫扎特、贝多芬、门德尔松、舒曼、德沃夏克、 勃拉姆斯、海顿、舒伯特、布鲁克纳、瓦格纳、马勒、施特劳斯、柴可夫斯基、巴托克、里姆 and Leshnoff. 2014-2022.
  • 会议论文:国际浪漫主义会议“贝多芬,Schönberg和 the Devil:  The legacy of Romantic Music in Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus”. College of Charleston. 2021.
  • 邀请演讲:罗马校园罗马主题演讲:“Arkadien Goethe’s Italian Journey 以及形成性教育的理念”——康维姆系列讲座致力于 memory of Jim Fougerousse. 2021.
  • 达拉斯交响乐团受邀为巴赫的午餐系列演讲:“贝多芬,Schönberg and the Devil:  The Music of Thomas Mann’s Doktor Faustus", May 12, 2021.
  • Invited lecture: “Goethe’s West-Östlicher Divan “世界文学的文化交流”科林社区学院杰出学者 Lecture Series – Panel on Goethe. 2020.
  • 音乐、文学和电影动机作为改编的结构原则:Luchino Visconti’s film adaptation of Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice". 中西部现代语言协会年会,芝加哥,11月13-15日, 2019.
  • Dallas SOLUNA festival: "Discovering Richard Wagner’s Die Walküre". Hour-long lecture at AT&T Performing Arts Center, May 24, 2018.
  • Cave Musicam oder die Problematisierung der Musik im 19. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von 里尔克,歌德和尼采-里尔克斯Musikalität: Tagung am Institut fr Germanistik, Universität Regensburg. 2017.
  • "Leverkühn’s Death in Venice:希腊古代,德国浪漫主义,以及Luchino Visconti改编的电影 Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice.11月3日中南现代语言协会年会 2016.
  • 《卡斯帕的魔笛:赫尔佐格的原声和互性 Enigma of Kaspar Hauser.“纳什维尔中南部现代语言协会(SCMLA)年会, TN November 1-4, 2015.
  • 在电影中重新想象他者:维尔纳·赫尔佐格的另类与音乐崇高 Fitzcarraldo.中南现代语言协会电影评委会年会 (SCMLA) San Antonio, TX November 8 – 10, 2012.                    
  • 蒂森基金会赴德国旅游资助(雷根斯堡大学).
  • 旅行补助金和酬金-罗马校园聚会讲座系列致力于 memory of Jim Fougerousse. 
  • UD Piper Award Nominee
  • Haggerty travel awards for conferences (multiple years).
  • 德国研究导论课程被公认为全国最好的课程之一, 教育政策改善及学院最佳实践典范十强 Board
  • 高级教学研修班差旅费及住宿费:歌德学院; Chicago 
  • 欧洲会议旅游补助金(比利时鲁汶天主教大学 Erasmus Institute, University of Notre Dame.
  • German Translator 
  • 美国德语教师协会北德州分会测试主席
  • 完成歌德学院考试C-1和认证考官的培训 C-2 
  • German Department of Labor, Munich, Germany
  • Interpreter / Translator for the St. Francis of Assisi Academy 
  • ESL Instructor
  • TOIEC proctor (Test of International English Communication) 
  • International Teaching Assistant Rater