Enoch Asare DBA

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Assistant Professor of Accounting

Phone: (972) 721-5230

Email: ekasare@taxidalat24h.net

Office: SB Hall #213

Dr. Enoch Asare holds a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree from the University of Dallas. He also holds MBA/MS (Accounting) degrees from the University of Dallas and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA). Dr. Asare is joining the University of Dallas as an assistant professor of accounting from Texas A & M University-Texarkana, where he held the same position. Dr. Asare’s research interests are in behavioral, managerial, and international accounting.

Why did you become a professor? I have passion for teaching and research.

What do you enjoy most about teaching? Explaining complex, yet fundamental accounting concepts to students.

What do you hope students gain from your courses? An appreciation of the importance of accounting in organizations and society.

What did you do prior to entering academia? I practiced accounting for close to 10 years.

What are you passionate about outside of the University? Church activities.

What are your research interests? Behavioral, managerial, and international accounting.